Passive imbuement.
Destructive of the second degree.
- Aegis against entropy (Heat maintenance, Energy passage)
- Area detrimental rejuvenation
- Favor of Agemoti
- Meditated affinity of galvanic elements
The basics:
You need to make cautious preparations before imbuing a spell of this property and this is what you need to know before using spells of acceleration.
Imbuing organic/hand mechanized animated and/or intelligent automations/organisms:
- There's a non-disputable risk of quickened disintegration as supported by laws of thermodynamics. All things shifting which generates energy shall come to an end as they burn out (Example: when a spell wears out.).
- Because the inhabitant of the spell is dynamic, ever shifting and from a dimension of possible entropy over time, there is no means of reproducing a fully stable equilibrium. It is because foreign, unreserved energy affects it as much as it affects it's own surroundings.
- You must understand how to isolate state of matter in an aegis to protect the wick (analogy of corresponding crucial elements that will be affected.) of the inhabitant from burning up. Figure out what the wick is and quarantine the elements from focusing unified energy equal to the force of the degree of acceleration you wish to attain.
- You must use an Aegis of heat-resistance (so the energy does not disintegrate the inhabitant) and area detrimental rejuvenation (separate elements of potency from the surroundings to catabolize a qualification of atom renewal within the inhibitant.) which puts it under the category of "Destructive of the second degree" because it causes external entropy.
- Moreover, the force being exerted onto the surroundings of the accelerated inhabitant also causes quickened disintegration of it's surroundings. If you still do not wish the inhabitant to be disintegrated and would like to apply atom rejuvenation, there is little you can do for the surroundings.
- One way to do less focused damage is to apply the properties of aegis to form energy tunnels which disperses the excerted force of acceleration on partitioned elements. This can aid in less disruption of balance. Equal amount of matter as the energy of acceleration needs will still be disintegrated.
- Acceleration spells must be used on the entire subject or aforementioned consequences will be pertinent to the partitions that have not been imbued.
- The magic property of this spell is under guidance of Agemoti the goddess of Navigation. The spell requires meditated affinity with galvanic elements. You must understand channelization of Agemoti's favor through pathway visualization.
- If you have the favor and the affinity, proceed to draw the symbol of Agemoti in ashes of burnt parchment then pour the ashes over that which you wish to imbue.
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